Money is important. Money sets limits on your dreams, hinders or magnifies your happiness, and dictates the quality of your life. And yet... They taught you next to NOTHING about how to manage it in school! The result has been a generation who has mismanaged budgets, racked up debts, defaulted on mortgages, lost investments, and failed to keep retirement plans. While a small proportion of the country has figured out how to make money work for them, most of us are part of the shrinking middle class who are losing out. That's where Personal Financial Well Being comes in. University Instructor and former Silicon Valley Chief Financial Officer Richard Okumoto has developed this course for the Dot University to narrow the Wealth GAP and demystify personal money management. The course applies two core techniques which Accelerates Time-to-Knowledge. Starting with a landscape view then introducing primary building blocks provides an accelerated path to connect-the-dots on how money works: How do you manage your money? How do you manage debt? How do you determine your financial wealth? How do you pay your fair share of taxes, and nothing more? How do you prepare for retirement? How should you invest your money? How do you prepare your estate for when you pass on? Personal Financial Well Being means having the answers to all of these questions and knowing how they interlock and work together. The course is built on the following (3) CORE Building Blocks ( GAP Approach): 1. Generating Positive Cash Flow – “Understanding your money to keep more of it!” Tools and techniques to understand your money. This includes: Personal Budgeting, Debt Management, Personal Income Taxes, and Retirement Planning (Part 1). 2. Accumulating Wealth – “Understanding Wealth; how to create it and how to hold onto it!” Tools and techniques to understand wealth creation and retention. This includes: Determining Wealth, Investing (part 1 & 2), and Retirement Planning (Part 2). 3. Protecting What you Have – “How to conquer Financial Risk!” Tools and techniques to understand asset protection. This includes: Insurance (part 1 & 2) and Estate Planning. Who might benefit from this Course – Anyone who wants to remove fear from finances and master their Personal Financial Well Being.
    Are you ready to invest a few minutes a day to improve your personal finances? Using Google Sheets, in this 'Mastering your Personal Finances' course I will teach you step-by-step the proven method that I have used for over 30 years to master and improve my own and my clients' personal finances. It's a very hands-on practical course, so you have to be prepared to do the work (but it will be 100% worth it!) We start by talking about the benefits of mastering your finances and getting you thinking about what you want to achieve from the course. You need to know what you are spending your money on, so we have to think about all the types of expenditure that you have. Early in the course, we aim for some quick wins - let's make improvements to your finances as soon as possible! We then talk about improving your income - it could be easier than you think! Then I want to ensure you make improvements and savings every time you renew a contract.  We're talking about things such as mortgages and mobile phone bills here! And although this course is not focused on debt management, I will help you to take action on any credit card debts you have. Then we continue with practical exercises where you create a spending plan , track your spending and then review it compared to your plan. And of course, we do this so that you can take action, make changes and continue improving your finances. I'm committed to helping you Master your Personal Finances. Are you committed? Then let's do this together!!
      In 3 years time I was able to grow my net worth from $0 to just under $100,000 and quit my boring, soul-sucking corporate finance job to work for myself . I've never been happier. How did I do it? The answer to that question is completely broken down, step by step in this course. Do you desire to live life on your own terms, the work YOU'RE passionate about, and complete projects of your own? How would it feel to be in control of your own future? Imagine being able to take a year off from work and not be concerned about money, retire in your 30's, or being able to finally start that passion project. Personal finance is one of the most important aspects of life, yet no one teaches it to you! It seems like the people who have the most interest in helping you with personal finances: A: Want to manage your personal finances for you, just to take a high percentage of YOUR money ( aka expensive financial advisors ) B: Sell their latest course for upwards of a thousand dollars C: offer get rich quick schemes, from day trading to pyramid schemes There’s an overbearing amount of information on this topic, making it seem confusing - you can't figure it out! Can you guess what the number one cause of anxiety is in North America? MONEY! I know I've sure felt anxiety about my money in the past. I've felt completely out of control, and eventually just accepted a sense of hopelessness. I had a "why bother" and a "I won't be able to figure this out" mentality. It kept me stuck at jobs I hated and my mindset was frozen in place. Does any of this sound familiar to you? Trust me, I've been through the "traditional" finance system. I earned a degree in Finance and pursued a career in investing, learning treasure troves of valuable information along the way. I thought to myself, "I can really help a lot of people with this!". Unfortunately, the investment industry's last concern is helping people. The average financial advisor charges fees and commissions that cost the average North American hundreds of thousands of dollars over their lifetime - usually without them even knowing it! I had an extremely lucrative career in wealth management in front of me. But unlike the investment industry, my main concern WAS helping people so I decided to take everything I learned and walk away from my job. And so over the past number of years I've carved a new path for myself, and I hope, for others who want to take control of their lives and have the freedom that they always wanted. I set up a system to save over 70% of my income and then intelligently invest that money by leveraging statistically-sound, evidence-based investment strategies as well as leveraging the powerful technology and applications we now have available to us. Additionally, I leveraged financial psychology, investment philosophy, and personal development techniques to instil winning habits in myself. This quickly compounded my money to the point where I've achieved a level of financial freedom and security normally achieved by those in their middle ages. But here's the thing... I'm 26 .  And at this rate, by the time I'm 30, I won't have to work another day in my life if I don't want to. So I'd ask you, what will your life look like if you don't achieve the freedom you want? Will you be stuck in the same patterns you're experiencing right now? Could it get even worse? What will it look like if you DO achieve the freedom you want? Maybe finally being able to start that hobby or passion project - or even early retirement. The ability to travel for more than that one short week you always seem to be stuck with. Reduced anxiety knowing that your family is going to be taken care of. Build an empire of assets by continuously rolling your wealth into different classes like real estate. Or maybe you want to be in a strong position to give back and support the causes that you believe in. The difference between those two futures is information and action . I have the information, you have to take the action. For those of you who are ready, I'll see you inside.
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        99% of us are working for a living by trading our precious time for money. We have little to no Personal Finance Understanding and this impacts our overall personal development. Traditional retirement theory is focused on what Bill calls "Big Gulp" investing:  Save a lot of money in a 401k/IRA and at age 65 start drawing it down and hope it doesn't run out before you die.  In the meantime you have to grind out 40 hour work weeks for 40+ years. THERE IS A BETTER WAY! Creating Personal Finance Understanding that impacts your overall Personal development is the key. The way to unlock it is with  Passive Income Streams from purchased assets are the key to retiring early and never running out of money before you hit the Big Pine Box in the sky.   The first step in achieving this goal is to empower yourself by making sure you are Financially and Investing literate.  Traditional personal finance and investing courses are not effective.  This course will show you an entirely new and proven way to achieving Financial Freedom. We work hard for our money and we want things in life. Society has created systems that take advantage of our human impulses that cause us to financially behave in ways that sabotage our ability to retire at an age early. Some folks will retire sooner than others because they acquired unique knowledge that others simply don't have. These people have Personal Finance Understanding and a better overall life that impacts all areas of their personal development. One such person is your instructor, Personal Development & Personal Finance master Bill Stephens . Despite not fully putting his teachings into practice until his early 30’s he was able to retire at age 41, which was 18 years ago. He is married with two grown financially literate kids that are in flagship state universities. He lives on a tropical Island where the average property values well exceed 1 million dollars. He was a professional salesperson and started three businesses.  He taught himself personal finance & investing strategies and developed a system that can work for anyone. And he will share this knowledge with you in this course. In less than 1 hour you will learn: Bill's Fundamentals of Financial & Investing Literacy The Two most important Formulas in the world that every person MUST know Two types of Income & Two types of Expenses The 4 steps to financial freedom How to Leverage Your Income Is a Home Mortgage Good or Bad Debt? Financial Photosynthesis & Why it is Crucial to Your Success The 4 Crucial Life Skills The Myth of Owning your Own Business Tactics and Strategies to decrease expenses & Increase Income Understanding Investment Models Early Retirement Strategies & more The primary objective of this course is to give you Bill's unique Fundamentals of Financial & Investing literacy so that you can create a plan to help you become financially free in the shortest time possible.  This course is a MUST for high school students, young adults, and any adult who wish to achieve early Financial Independence. Learn how to be masterful in Personal Finance and have a huge leg up on Personal Development in less than one hour. This value packed course will give you the formulas and strategies to get you off of the road of “trading time for money” and having your money work for you. We deliver this course with videos, audios and a workbook designed to sync up with the lessons. This course is available to you forever. But don’t wait to take this course. Take it today because in just one short hour you’ll know what you need to begin your journey to financial freedom. Enroll today, knowing that If you aren't delighted with this video based training course, claim a full refund within 30 days of purchase!
          This course is designed to help anyone get a better grasp on their personal finances by building a budget and a personal balance sheet, or net worth statement. As an engineer, I'm constantly trying to build systems to automate repetitive tasks, and always trying to make things easier, more efficient and more effective. I've tried several methods for budgeting, from manually tracking all my spending and filling out worksheets each month, to complicated software that never quite works the way I want it to, and I always quit after a short time out of frustration - so I built my own. I think I have a system that's very simple and intuitive, with a lot of useful effort-free features, and most importantly, it's easy to stick to. We'll go step by step through the system, which is basically a couple of simple Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, and I'll show you how to customize it for yourself. Along the way, we'll talk about all of the important financial principals behind it like fixed vs. variable expenses, liquid and illiquid assets, and how to set up an emergency fund with your savings. Once you're set up (some short videos and just a little bit of homework), here's what you should have: A complete picture of your personal finances, including: How much you spend each week and each month, broken down into the categories you care about most. A budget based on your real spending, where you can see the current picture and set goals for the future. A net worth statement, showing everything you own vs. what you owe. You will be able to easily: View automatically updated graphs of your spending over the last year. Fine tune goals for your budget, track your progress and watch your success translate into a higher net worth. Perform what-if scenarios that help you to make better financial decisions. For example: Should you buy or lease that car (and how much should you pay)? Should you rent an apartment or buy a house? Can you afford an extra vacation if you cut back on going to the movies? You'll see instant improvements in your financial well being: Reduce your "waste" spending Less worrying each month about forgetting bills, or not being able to pay them Be prepared for making investments, applying for loans and credit without digging through years worth of receipts Hopefully this course will be like giving yourself a raise . You'll be able to take more vacations and use your money the way you want to, without it disappearing under your nose... And your stress level will go way down: you'll have the piece of mind in knowing where you stand at all times!
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            Did you know that you can retire in less than 20 years by applying a very simple wealth formula to your life? Even better... Did you know that by adjusting only a few parameters in that wealth formula, you could easily bring that 20 years down to only 10 years? Does retiring in 10 years from now still sound too far away? How about being able to retire in 5 years' time? This really is possible for ANYONE to achieve! By applying the right wealth formula, you could very easily retire within the next 5 to 20 years! You don't need to work a mediocre job for 40+ years only to discover your nest egg isn't large enough for you to retire on. There is a better way, and you'll find it in this course. In this course you will learn how to retire in 20 years or less. How much earlier you get to retire depends completely on which of the three Passive Income Plans you choose to either retire in 20 years, 10 years or in only 5 years from now. The great thing about a formula is that it's founded in math, in numbers. And numbers never lie. Therefore creating wealth for yourself and for your family so that you can retire early and live the life of your dreams is as simple as following a proven formula until you get the desired result. It's like baking a cake... If you follow the recipe to the letter, the result will inevitably be a very delicious cake. Learn the fundamentals of wealth creation and follow the wealth formula that have stood the test of time (all of which you'll learn in this course), then achieving Financial Freedom will be inevitable for you . Unfortunately most people don't even get to retire comfortably, because they never learnt these fundamentals of wealth. Even though 20 years might sound like a long time, you will still retire much earlier and much more comfortably than 90% of the world's population. In essence, buying back many years you would've had to keep working to make a living. And that is the goal of creating passive income streams - To buy back your time and your life! Passive income streams is all about creating more time ... Time to do what you love, time to spend with your family, time to actually be there for your kids so that you can experience the joy of seeing them grow up, and also time to pursue your truest purpose in life and as a result create a lasting positive impact in the world. Passive income the key to living a fulfilling life! You can start building your passive- and semi-passive income streams immediately which will enable you to retire within the next decade or two (depending on how diligently you apply the wealth formula you'll learn about in this course). Start working towards your early retirement right now - ENROLL FOR THIS COURSE
              Right now, is it looking like your going to have to stop drinking coffee for the next 40 years to help pay off your debt? Regardless of how much debt your in, your lifestyle DOES NOT have to drastically change in order to pay off your debt. In fact, YOU can have a better lifestyle WHILE paying off your debt. The key is making smarter choices. In this Debt Free Personal course you'll learn about: How to stay out of debt in the first place Proven strategies for getting out of debt How one can reduce their debt quickly AND MUCH MORE! If you're ready to make the move to having better personal finances, then this course is your starting point to doing exactly that! Enroll today, and invest into your future! ============================ INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUND I've been an entrepreneur for 10+ years, and have taught over 25,000 students how to improve their own skills. I've become a eBay Powerseller and Amazon Best Selling Author and active consult with multiple 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses. From what I've learned from these experiences, I'd love to share the knowledge with you. My goal is to help as many people possible by teaching each student everything I know about each topic. I teach to ensure each student  leaves each of my courses feeling like they've learned something new. ============================ GET ONE-ON-ONE HELP Regardless if your just starting your course or have been done for months, I'm happy to help you. Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I aim to answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I really enjoy helping students who've taken my courses and I look forward to helping you! ============================ AMAZING VALUE: LEARN FROM 10+ YEARS OF EXPERIENCE ALL IN JUST A COUPLE HOURS! The information that you'll learn in this course can be either learned from many years of experience, or you can learn valuable skills all best summarized within a couple hours of time. Is it really worth taking hundreds or even thousands of hours of your time to learn this information by yourself? The choice is yours to make. ============================ PROVEN STRATEGIES TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS All strategies that I share are either from my personal experience or are well proven strategies based off industry experts. ============================ WHY TAKE THIS COURSE? Simply put, save time, save money and learn valuable skills that you can implement into your life (for the rest of your life). Learn from others that have done it before you, and learn what have proven to work best for them. Don't do it all by yourself! ============================ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION WHEN YOU FINISH THE COURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you'll be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy! ============================ MONEY BACK GUARANTEE The course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course absolutely risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will improve your skills after completing this course. Invest in your future. Enroll now. __ Full Disclaimer: All financial decisions made are 100% your choice and your responsiblity. I/afflilates of this course don't take any type of responsiblity for your actions. You may see better, the same, smaller, or no results based on your actions. I am not a finanical advisor. This course has been designed to give you the most accurate information possible during the creation of this course.
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                This is a short course on basic money management which is conducted by the Institute for Financial Literacy, Singapore. We provide free and unbiased financial education programmes to companies and organisations. Description of Module: Learn to set S.M.A.R.T. financial goals and work out how much you need for your goals. Develop a budget by tracking your spending and savings on a regular basis. Learn how to cut down on expenses and reduce debt. Financial planning includes: Managing your income to meet your current as well as future needs, such as your retirement or your children’s education; Managing exposure to unforeseen events like pre-mature death, illness or disability; Managing savings and investments to meet your financial goals. Setting up a budget is a good way to start taking control of your financial situation because it helps you to: Live with your financial means, and meet expenses; Track spending, in order to meet both your long-term and short-term goals; Control your money, so that it does not end up controlling you. The concept of money comes with a lot of associated feelings. Too little money can make you miserable. Too much money can also make you miserable. Managing money means knowing how to: Make and earn money; Hang on to it once you have it; Spend it; Invest it; Enjoy it in our golden years. In this module, we will cover essential money management skills such as setting financial goals, preparing a budget, Paying Yourself First (Saving a portion of your income the moment you receive it), assessing your expenses, stretching your dollar and debt management. We will also cover important topics such as the Power of Compounding Interest and Consumer Debt. Take this module as a step towards financial wellness. Browse through the text content in the lectures and download the supplementary materials for additional learning. This course will take your about an hour to complete.
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                  The Complete Personal Finance Class is designed for people of all ages and all incomes. In this course you'll learn how to manage your cash flow more effectively so you can pay off debts quickly! What is personal finance? Personal finance is tracking your income, expenses, debt, and credit. With money being a significant part in every modern society, it's important to learn how to control your personal cash flow and become debt free using a budget, savings, and other tools which you'll be given. It's important to note that this is not a "Get Rich Quick Class". Personal finance is a lifetime marathon and while this class while help you train for the marathon, it won't make you rich overnight. (Sorry!) Why is it so important? Knowing how to be financially accountable allows you to live on your own terms without the need to rely on government benefits or other sources. While these are important to have, they should only be used temporarily to help you get back into the marathon. Understanding personal finance will allow you to become financially strong, obviously. However, it also allows you to become mentally clear and make more logical life decisions while removing the stress of a financial hardship. This in turn, enables you and your family to live a better life, without the need to stress paying bills or purchasing groceries. Why should I purchase your course? This course is practically a basic Microsoft Excel course, budgeting course, and personal finance course all wrapped in a neatly tied bowed for only $59.99. Included is a PowerPoint over 160 slides, 15 excel exercises and nearly 6 hours of video content. Among these topics you also learn about Credit Cards Loans Basic Investing Retirement Accounts And SO. MUCH. MORE! How can I trust your word? Just ask the nearly 40 students who viewed my courses for over 4,200 minutes! With a instructor rating of 4.1 I realize I have room for improvement, but that's why I provide these courses to you! The more feedback I receive, the better this course becomes! Still not convinced? Watch a few of the sample videos, read some reviews, and think to yourself... Would this add value to my life? (One of the five questions you'll learn you should ask yourself before a purchase.)
                    This course covers the process of financial planning. Learn how to identify your immediate and long term financial goals. Know what resources you have to meet and achieve your goals. Financial Planning is a process for you to take charge and manage your finances to ensure your financial well-being. It comprises of Managing cash-flow for your current needs and future goals, e.g. buying a home; Managing exposure to unforeseen circumstances by providing for your dependants’ basic needs; Managing resources to meet your financial goals, e.g. child education and retirement. Just like a physical health medical test, a financial fitness assessment allows you to have a better understanding of your financial health. The following are common personal financial problems that can affect your financial fitness: Failing to plan ahead, or not planning at all; Not spending within your means; Spending on borrowed money, buying with consumer credit; Delayed savings for retirement; Falling prey to financial sales pitches; Not doing your homework; Making impulsive decisions; Exposing yourself to high financial risk. In order to accurately access our financial situation, we need to find out the following: Net Cash Flow Position; Net Worth; Financial Ratios. The net cash flow position is the amount after the total outflows have been subtracted from the total inflows. The net cash flow statement gives you your net cash flow position, and can be used as a tool to find out if you are making good use of your income. Your net worth is a snapshot of your financial position at a specific point in time. In the event of a total loss of income, you may have to use your liquid assets to cover your regular expenses. The Basic Liquidity ratio shows the number of months you can expect your liquid assets to sustain your monthly expenses. This is also known as your emergency savings. The Savings Ratio reveals how well you are building up your savings for your future consumption. The Non-Mortgage Debt Service Ratio compares the monthly payments to service all debt, excluding the mortgage, with a person’s monthly take home pay. This ratio simply provides insight into what amount of income is going towards non-mortgage debt. The Mortgage Servicing Ratio reveals the percentage of your monthly income that can be used to service your monthly property loan instalment. This course continues from "Making Sense Of Your Money". Also, after going through this course, you can join the next module entitled "Implementing Your Financial Plan".